Spring 2025 Project: Trip Planner

General Project Information

You will design and implement a database portion of an application using the MySQL relational database system. The Project must be done in groups of 3 - 5 students. Groups of more than 5 or less than 3 will not be allowed. The project will consist of 3 phases (deliverables).

At the end of the project, each team member should submit a peer evaluation. See peer evaluation instructions for details.

Phase 1

Given a problem specification from (a) fictional user(s), create a conceptual EER model of the users' data, a list of semantic constraints that cannot be modeled in EER, and an information flow diagram of a database application suited to the user's problem.

Submit your Phase 1 deliverables in a single PDF file named teamN-phase1.pdf, where N is your team number. For example, if you're Team 3 you'd submit a file named team3-phase1.pdf.

Phase 2

Map your (corrected) EER model and semantic constraints from Phase 1 to a relational model and write an SQL script with DDL (create table) statements that will create the (unpopulated) database in MySQL.

Submit your Phase 2 deliverable as a single SQL file named teamN-schema.sql, where N is your team number. For example, if you're Team 3 you'd submit a file named team3-schema.sql.

Phase 3

Given the problem specification and your (corrected) relational database schema from Phase 2, write an SQL script with DML (insert) statements to populate the database with data and another SQL script with a set of queries that answer questions provided in the project description.

Submit your Phase 3 deliverable as two SQL files: (remember to substitute your team number for N) teamN-data.sql with SQL insert statements to populate the database you created in Phase 2, and teamN-queries.sql with SQL queries to answer the questions provided in the project description for your semester.