Water Temperatures


This is a short exercise to give you some practice with NumPy and Pandas.

Solution Description

In a Python module named water_temps.py, load the data contained in the file south-atlantic-water-temps.csv into a Pandas DataFrame named water_temps. Use the first column in the data file as the index (row keys) for the data frame.

After doing these steps you should have something like this (after from water_temps import *):

In [12]: from water_temps import *

In [13]: pd.set_option('display.width', 120) # Display wider DataFrames without wrapping

In [14]: water_temps
                       JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC        AVG
Chesapeake Bay VA       46   42   44   65   72   78   81   81   79   71   56   49  63.666667
Kiptopeke VA            36   39   46   65   72   78   81   81   79   71   54   44  62.166667
... additional rows elided

In [15]: coldest_jan_temp
Out[15]: 36

In [16]: warmest_nov
Miami Beach FL     76
Virginia Key FL    76
Name: NOV, dtype: int64

In [19]: warm_spots
                  JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC        AVG
Daytona Beach FL   61   59   65   65   72   78   81   81   79   71   71   65  70.666667
Miami Beach FL     71   73   75   65   72   78   81   81   79   71   76   73  74.583333
Stuart Beach FL    67   66   70   65   72   78   81   81   79   71   75   70  72.916667
Virginia Key FL    71   72   74   65   72   78   81   81   79   71   76   73  74.416667